
After a connection is created, Terminal syncs and normalizes data incrementally to ensure it is always up-to-date. Use the /connections/current or /syncs endpoints to track when data is synced from the source system to Terminal before querying for data.

Sync Modes

Terminal connections can be configured to sync data automatically or manually:

  • Automatic syncing is configured by default and will sync data every 2 hours to Terminal.
    • Automatic syncing is configured by setting the connection’s syncMode to automatic.
  • Manual syncing is useful to save costs if you only need to sync data periodically.
    • Manual syncing is configured by setting the connection’s syncMode to manual.

A sync can be requested at any time for a connection by calling the POST /syncs endpoint. This endpoint will return an id that can be used to check the status of the sync

Best Practices for Syncing

1. Create functions in your backend that are responsible for syncing data

Terminal provides 2 types of data: dynamic and event.

Syncing Dynamic Data

Dynamic data is data that may change. Examples include vehicles, drivers and HOS logs.

Use the modifiedAfter timestamp filter to only ingest data that has changed since the start time of when you last synced. This filter is important to ensure you only pull data that has been modified (or created) since the last time you synced.

Continue to pull data until the response does not include a next cursor.


If you last started syncing at 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z you should make the following request

GET /hos/logs?modifiedAfter=2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

Note: Ensure you store the start time of the last sync as data can change while you are syncing. This will ensure you never miss a change.

Syncing Event Data

Event data is data with a timestamp that is expected to be static. Examples include vehicle locations and stats.

Event data endpoints will not include a modifiedAfter filter but will always return records in ascending order. Event endpoints will include startAt and endAt timestamp filters to limit data to a specific time period.

To support incremental ingestion of event data, use the feed parameter to ensure that a next cursor is always returned. This will allow you to pull data in a loop until the response returns an empty array, storing the next cursor for the next time you sync.

Note: Ensure you store the next cursor of the last request in order resume syncing from where you left off.

2. Orchestrate the sync

Setup a scheduled job on your backend to sync data periodically for each connection.

Some of our endpoints (ex: historical vehicle locations) require that you query them by vehicle. We recommend syncing vehicles first and then scheduling jobs to pull data for each vehicle.

Currently our system schedules syncs every 2 hours so please note that data will only be updated upon completion of syncing in our system.

For maintaing the most up to date information, we recommend initiating a sync after receiving a sync.complete webhook (learn more). Alternativley, you can use the /syncs or /connections/current endpoints to know when data has been synced from the source system to Terminal.

If you need data more frequently - please reach out to our team and we’d be happy to help support your use case.