
Many of Terminal’s endpoints support a raw parameter that enables you to retreive the underlying raw data used to form the common model. This can helpful in scenarios when a provider includes very unique fields that may not fit in to a unified model.


It’s important to note that using the raw parameter may impact response times slightly (very minimal) and should only be used in scenarios where it is necessary.

If you plan to use raw, please let us know as we are always curious to hear about gaps in our common model that might be roadmap opportunities.


When making a GET call to a supported endpoint, set the raw query parameter to true and retreive the common model as well as an additional raw property that includes the most recent list of raw responses used to form the common model.

Example Response

Here’s an example of a request to /vehicles/{id}?raw=true

  "id": "id_pfx_01D8ZQFGHVJ858NBF2Q7DV9MNC",
  "sourceId": "33901",
  "provider": "verizon-reveal",
  "status": "active",
  "name": "FD 0339",
  "make": "FORD",
  "model": "ECONOLINE",
  "year": 2010,
  "raw": [
      "provider": "verizon-reveal",
      "schema": "Vehicle",
      "extractedAt": "2023-03-26T17:57:40.942Z",
      "data": {
        "Name": "FD 0339",
        "VehicleNumber": "33901",
        "RegistrationNumber": null,
        "VIN": null,
        "Make": "FORD",
        "Year": 2010,
        "Model": "ECONOLINE",
        "TankCapacity": null,
        "HighwayMPG": null,
        "CityMPG": null,
        "VehicleSize": 0,
        "HasNavigationDevice": true